Adultmetro is a very softcore site with a relatively small amount of nude blog content available to view. Adultmetro rarely strays from nude modeling and posing. There are 30 detailed photo galleries and blog-friendly length nude blog videos to choose from. The site is current, but it appears that it hasn’t been updated with new nude blog content in the last few years. The high-quality images are usually large enough. The videos can be streamed or downloaded in MP4 format (depending on the type of membership purchased). The jerky feel of the video I saw is a shame, because Adultmetro is a very good actress, and both the video and the photos are very relaxed and sexy. I think this is due to the amateur nature of the video. She certainly chooses an impressive range of locations to film, from beaches to nightlife on the town, but I wish she had more of these locations. But the highlight for me was the underlaps shoot, where her glorious beauty was on full display. She is truly gorgeous in every sense, and what’s here is certainly very enjoyable, but Adultmetro has said more than enough about her to take this site to bigger and better places. Your membership includes full access to Asian Adultmetro Creamier, Thai Pussy Massage, and Nude Blog. This is a very professionally presented Adultmetro site, with detailed thumbnails and a user-friendly menu. I liked that there was a consistent navigation bar with buttons that took you to where you needed to go on each page. The interface also has great graphics. Adultmetro has more than enough to whet your appetite. She’s a beautiful girl and a very talented performer at Adult Metro, backed by a professionally organized site that showcases her beauty well. However, it seems there haven’t been any updates recently, so you may have to make do with what you have. This website has a lot of room for improvement and could do even better.